22 August 14 By
How a Wall Installation Can Change Your Business’s Culture
Walls mean different things to different people. The poet Ralph Waldo Emerson once asserted that“Every wall is a door.” Starlet Marilyn Monroe had a different, rather quirky, vision when it came to walls: “Leave me in a room with some crayons and I’ll draw on the wall.” Indeed, walls can shut people off, keep them safe, inspire a team or take away one’s freedom. That’s why it’s so important that every wall installation that takes place in companies in Montreal, Toronto and the rest of Canada be done with the users’ experiences in mind. Unfortunately, many businesses don’t think through how wall installations can affect their company cultures via the experiences of their personnel. This leaves them at the mercy of the placement of the walls, rather than in control of the walls’ effects.
If you’re considering a redesign of your company’s workspace, make sure you seriously take into account how each wall you’re putting in place will be seen by the people working within your company, as well as any clients, vendors or interviewees who visit. For instance, it’s always wise to remember that:
- Walls that go from the floor to the ceiling may be seen as barriers. While this may be perfectly suited to some organizations’ needs, such as those related to healthcare practices or teaching rooms that have to be quiet, it’s not always required. Demountable walls are available that will give the effect of a wall and delineate a space without cutting it off from the rest of the area.
- Modern, progressive office spaces are expected to have few “private” offices. The open format of contemporary workspaces has made it an expectation that most fast-paced, competitive organizations will have open designs. However, this doesn’t mean that there cannot be private areas, which can be accomplished via demountable walls. The point is that the overall feel of the workspace needs to be fresh and up-to-date without compromising practical or functional requirements (like meeting spaces where private discussions can be held.)
- Walls that cut certain teams off from other departments may cause rifts. It’s human nature to form “tribes”, and when a department is kept apart through the use of walls, that department’s members may start to forge their own culture that could be in contrast to the overall business mission. This isn’t to suggest that walls should never be used to segregate teams, but they should be designed so those walls aren’t seen as formidable obstacles to working together.
Wall installations can add to a company’s atmosphere. They simply have to be designed and installed with deliberateness.
Choice Wall Installations, Inc., regularly installs walls in companies throughout Montreal, Toronto and more. Please contact them today to learn more about their expertise.