6 October 16 By

How Your Office Installation Services Can Help Relieve Stress

A brightly coloured office common space with chairs and couch

Stress has a major impact on your bottom line. Stress has been proven to dramatically reduce productivity, increase the required amount of sick leave, and greatly increase employee turnover rates.

We’ve stated in the past that office installation services are tied to morale. This week, we will specifically focus on how your office furniture can help to reduce it.

Personalized Workspaces

Partition walls and shelves can be a blank canvas for workers. They give your workers an opportunity to surround themselves with images that calm or motivate them, such as pictures of their families, posters, desk decorations, and so forth.

By making their workspaces more personalized, they can feel much more relaxed and at-home in their stations, reducing overall stress.

Personalized workspaces can be encouraged both by making sure that decorations and accessories are allowed within your policies, and by making sure that your office furniture provides partition, wall, and shelf space for your workers to personalize.

Cheerful Colours

Our environments can paint how our subconscious views the world. While many workplaces view the use of neutral colors as being a ‘safe’ option, drab colours often translate to a drab work atmosphere.

The use of cheerful accents can make a major difference in the overall mood of an office.

Social Break Areas

While some industries require workers to be isolated while at their desks, break areas can improve the sense of camaraderie among workers while providing some much-needed stress relief. To make sure that your workers are getting the most stress relief out of their break time, you should make sure that your break area is brightly lit, that the colors you use are fun and cheerful, and that your employees have the seating and table space required to socialize.

Stress-Free Leadership

Stress rolls downhill. If a manager is stressed, it will invariably rub off onto the workers. Make sure that your own office follows these guidelines, and that your work life is complemented by a healthy home or social life.

A sure-fire way to avoid stress among your leadership while installing or upgrading your office furniture is to use a professional office furniture installation service. Our quick, friendly, efficient services will offer you peace of mind that your furniture will be installed quickly, correctly, and on schedule.

Stress in workplace leadership means a loss in productivity overall. If you’re moving, upgrading, or purchasing office furniture, call us today.

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