20 April 17 By

Furniture Installation Service Advice: How to Enhance Your Break Room

furniture installation service

The importance of the break room is extremely important, and quite often overlooked. Break facilities can have a considerable impact on employee morale, and in many industries, can act as a lightning rod for promising young talent. As a furniture installation service, we see a number of different configurations for break rooms, and have picked up a few observations to create the most inviting break facilities.

Blow Off Steam with Fun & Games

While it might necessitate a bit of monitoring to make sure breaks don’t last too long, providing some games for your employees can provide some much-needed stress relief, while encouraging camaraderie between co-workers. Kinetic games such as ping-pong and foosball are common in many creative industries, while classic arcade machines provide a kitschy retro form of recreation.

Munchies on the House

Coffee, water, and snack foods might seem like a desirable perk, but they actually serve a dual purpose: Not only do they increase morale, but keeping your workers hydrated and snacking can actually improve their focus considerably. Your staff might also appreciate healthier options, such as apples or bananas. There’s no better way to stave off the mid-morning and late-afternoon slumps!

Just make sure that your snacks work with your technology. Powdery snack foods such as flavoured chips or powdered donuts can make a mess in workspaces, and ‘labour-intensive’ fruits such as oranges or pomegranates can be distracting and leave behind a considerable amount of waste.

Don’t Forget Cleaning Products & Accessories

Make sure that your staff never wants for materials they will need to keep the break room tidy. Providing paper cups or reusable mugs for drinks, plates or bowls and napkins for snacks, and paper towels and basic cleaning supplies to maintain workspaces and deal with spills are absolutely necessary.

If your break area has reusable dishes, make sure that staff can access to dish soap and a sink, and that there is a policy in place ensuring that employees clean up after themselves.

When you have your perfect break facility, call Choice Furniture Installation Services

Our top-quality furniture installation service makes sure that your break room is set up quickly, efficiently, and with minimal disruption to your work flow. Call us for more information today.


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