15 August 18 By

4 Tips to Save Your Office Furniture from the Toronto Summer Heat

To say this summer has been warm is a bit of an understatement. And while all this sun and heat can be great for a day at the beach, it can wreak havoc on your office furniture. Since weather damage is a major concern against which our Toronto office furniture warehouse safeguards, we’d like to […]

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8 August 18 By

From Dentists to Therapists to Veterinarians, and Everything Between: Demountable Wall Systems for Healthcare Facilities

Healthcare is an extremely wide and versatile field, ranging from a spectrum of specialist physicians such as podiatrists and rheumatologists, to dentists, to physical and psychological therapists, to the labs that collect and test samples, to the pharmacies that dispense medication, and on. However, this massive variety of specialists have a handful of common requirements, […]

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24 July 18 By

2 Common Toronto Office Ergonomic Problems that Furniture Installation Can Solve

While it might not seem like a particularly risky venture, sitting at a desk is actually quite dangerous. After all, office workers tend to sit at one station, in one position, performing a repetitive task (ie. typing and operating the mouse) for hours on-end. This makes the modern office a hotbed for ergonomic injury—which can […]

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