It’s a source of animosity within workplaces and living spaces alike: Someone is forced to share a space with someone whose temperature preferences are the opposite of their own, and a war breaks out over control of the thermostat. While one can simply move away from a cold-blooded roommate or get used to wearing a […]
Read moreGlass office wall installations make a beautiful addition to any office environment. They’re clean, they’re inviting, they can let in natural light, and they make any office space feel much larger. But a downside of glass wall installations is that—well, they’re glass. If all of the walls in your office are unobstructed glass, it would […]
Read moreWith the holiday months now behind us, it’s now time to look ahead to new work resolutions and fresh starts. Though, without the right attitude and environment, it can become quite easy to fall into old work habits. A great way to keep a constant reminder of this change in attitude is to accompany it […]
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